The government has set an ambitious target to have 500,000 electric vehicles (EVs) on the road by 2030. There are currently circa 3,000 electric vehicles in Ireland or 15 per cent of the 2020 target.
Under the polluter pays principle, tax rates on diesel and petrol fuels should be at a rate which is commensurate with the total environmental costs they incur.
The educational attainment of people in Ireland is rising rapidly. Those in the 35-39 age group are over twice as likely to have a third level qualification as those in the 65-69 age group.
Household energy prices in Ireland are near the Eurozone average, but are relatively high compared to the UK. Taxes on household energy in Ireland are less than half the average level in the Eurozone
Household energy prices in Ireland are near the Eurozone average, but are relatively high compared to the UK. Taxes on household energy in Ireland are less than half the average level in the Eurozone
The results from the 2016 Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) show an increase in living standards and a significant reduction in those experiencing “enforced deprivation ”.
Owner–occupation levels increase with age. The over 65’s are over 9 times more likely to own their houses than the under 25’s.
Older people who own their houses are more likely to be mortgage free. Over 90 % of those over 65 have no mortgages compared with just over 10 % of those aged 35-39. Younger people are 30 times more likely to be in private rented accommodation. Almost three quarters of those under 25 rent in the private sector compared with 1 in 40 of those over 65. There is a significant fall between 2011 and 2016 in the proportion of those under 40 who are owner occupiers.
The tax wedge on low wage workers in Ireland is the lowest in the EU. This is a positive feature of the Irish system which minimises the disincentive to employ low skilled workers.
The Nursing Homes Support Scheme (NHSS), more commonly referred to as the Fair Deal scheme, is a system of financial support for those in need of long-term nursing home care.
This report examines the issues arising in the establishment of a similar scheme to cover the needs of those who require home care
Seven local authorities have voted to increase the local property tax above the basic rate for 2018. Only four councils have reduced it. The net effect of these adjustments will decrease LPT revenue by €23 million next year.
The Report by the Expert Commission on the Funding of Domestic Public Water Services in Ireland has been submitted on schedule to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Future Funding of Domestic Water Services.
Irish Water has made significant progress in a short period. Abolishing Irish Water and removing domestic water charges would be a mistake and set back the prospects of having water services fit for a modern economy.